Monday, August 29, 2005

Delphi 2005, Firefox and Hyper-threading

I got Delphi 2005. Installed it, tested it, liked it, went back to Delphi 7. Why? Because it seems to have annoying bugs. The first thing I noticed was the very long loading time. This is, of course, not a bug, but still, it is irritating. Presumably there are a lot of things to load, because Delphi 2005 comes with .NET support and a whole lot of other stuff. Anyway, I am willing to put up with this, but then I noticed that things were really moving very slowly. Response was lethargic and there was no explanation (my machine is a 3GHz with 1Gb of RAM). Then, there were problems with loading the TLB library of my project (by the way, the Delphi 7 project loaded with no compatibility problems, which is a huge plus). The library editor would not show the contents properly and Delphi kept asking to save the TLB file every time I exited, even if nothing had been changed.
The most serious problem was the very slow response of the program. I searched the Internet and finally found the answer: Delphi 2005 seems to be incompatible with hyperthreading. What is this, you may ask. Well, as far as I understand, the new motherboards have a special feature that makes Windows think that there are two processors available, when you only have one. This way, some programs are supposed to work faster. However, it seems that this may cause incompatibilities. There is a way to disable this from inside Windows, but it has to be done every time you start the specific program. I tried it with Delphi 2005 and after disabling the ‘dual processor’, things breezed along. I then remembered that I had the same problems with Firefox. Firefox just hung up for long intervals and I had to give it up and return to Internet Explorer. However, after disabling the ‘dual processor’, Firefox worked fine. So, in the end, I decided to disable this feature completely. This was easily done by using the BIOS setup. You need to go to Advanced CPU configuration and disable Hyper-Threading technology. After that, Windows sees only one processor and everything works great.
The end result? I am back on Firefox, but I am waiting till Borland issues an update on Delphi 2005 to start using it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Great post. You are aware that Update 3 is out from Borland? In addition, there are several unofficial patches that help Delphi 2005 out even after Update 3 is installed.

    See this link for more deatils:

    Dan Miser
